Pois é....chegou o momento de mostrar as coisas lindas da fantástica AdR que comprei na H&M!!
Peças fabulosas como estas são essenciais em qualquer coleção de bijuteria!!
E havia duas em particular que eu tinha que ter !!
Espero que adorem tanto como eu!! :)
It's time to show the beautiful articles designed by the fantastic AdR that I bought at H&M!
Fabulous pieces such as these are essential for any jewelry collection!
And there were two in particular that I had to have!!
Hope you enjoy as much as me!! :)
I loooooooooooove it!! :)
Vestidos/ Dress: Phi
Pulseira/ Bracelet: AdR at H&M
Clutch: AdR at H&M
Sapatos/Shoes: Sergio Rossi